Can Dogs See Color?
Can your pooch even see that yellow tennis ball in the grass? Find out if dogs can see color.
If you’re fortunate enough to share your home with a dog or two, you’ve definitely spent some time attempting to understand dog behavior. However, considering things from your dog’s perspective raises another query: Can dogs sense color? You may be able to tell if dogs can see in the dark, but many people think that dogs are completely color-blind and can only see in black and white when it comes to telling green grass from blue sky. But now that science has developed and we have a better understanding of the other creatures that live on our earth, scientists believe they have finally figured out what your dog is looking at when they stare at you. It turns out that dogs don’t see only in black and white after all.
Are dogs color blind?
The solution is somewhat intricate. Dogs are capable of seeing color, according to Bond Vet’s Chief Veterinary Officer Zay Satchu, DVM. In the back of their eyes, called rods and cones, distinct types of cells that aid in vision are present in both humans and animals. Cones assist with color and detail in what we see, while rods help with motion detection and night vision. Dogs only have two types of cones, whereas humans have three types, making it possible for us to perceive color and detail quite clearly. Although dogs can still recognize colors, they probably can’t tell the difference between lime green and forest green as well.
Dogs, on the other hand, are unquestionably color blind by human standards. Dichromacy, which means the eye has just two functional cones as opposed to the normal trichromacy, or three functional cones, is a common type of color blindness in humans, according to Britannica. Dichromatic people may perceive the world in a color spectrum resembling that of dogs. Have you ever wondered what hues cats are able to perceive?
What colors can dogs see?
Your dog seems to be able to see blue and yellow very well, albeit they may not be able to see the entire rainbow. According to Dr. Satchu, “most canines can’t see much of red or green at all.” Dogs can perceive some colors, although they presumably don’t understand their subtleties (such as the distinction between plum and violet). Perhaps this explains why dogs adore tennis balls that are bright yellow: When compared to the gray or brown that dogs see when they stare at something green, like your recently mowed lawn, they can clearly see them. When choosing the subsequent puzzle toy for your dog, bear that in mind.
According to Dr. Satchu, there are colors in the dog’s color spectrum that humans cannot see. The term ultraviolet, which means “beyond violet,” is another “color” that exists but that humans can’t see but dogs can. The precise purpose of this eyesight is still being assessed, but we believe it has to do with the capability to detect the kinds of ultraviolet-light-containing compounds, such as pee and blood, that aid in tracking in the wild,” she says. It seems logical that your dog’s vision is modified to aid in their hunting when you consider how UV light would contrast with the forest’s grey-brown backdrop. After all, everyone is aware that dogs are superhuman.
What does a dog’s vision look like?
Now that we are aware that dogs only see a small range of colors, how far can they see? Dogs have a visual acuity of about 20/75, according to PetMD. Dogs need to be 20 feet away in order to view an object as clearly as a human can from 75 feet away if human eyesight is deemed to be 20/20. The majority of dogs have quite hazy vision; if they were people, they would require spectacles to view distant objects. However, compared to most dogs, Labrador Retrievers have greater eyesight. They are frequently employed as support dogs because their vision is more like 20/20.
Dogs may not have as many cones as people do, which affects their ability to see color, but they have a considerably higher number of rods in their retinas, which improves their ability to sense movement—a crucial ability for a hunting animal. Dogs’ motion sensitivity is up to 10–20 times higher than ours, and they can perceive moving objects considerably more clearly than they can motionless ones. They observe a squirrel in the park before you do because of this. One of the many things your dog wishes you knew is this.
Source – Zay Satchu, DVM, Chief Veterinary Officer of Bond Vet