Top 10 Dangerous And Venomous Spiders In Australia
The continent is home to some of the most unusual species in the entire globe, so seeing the diverse wildlife in the Land Down Under is a rare pleasure. While the majority of these animals can be seen in various sanctuaries, parks, and zoos, there are those that you should avoid, such as Mr. Long Legs. Australia is home to some of the world’s most venomous spiders, which may give you painful bites. Here is the list of dangerous and venomous spiders in Australia.
Sydney Funnel-Web Spider

The Sydney Funnel-Web Spider, widely regarded as the most hazardous spider in the world, is a common sight in New South Wales, where it may be found in both backyards and bushland. It is renowned for both its vicious temper and its powerful fangs, which can puncture through fingers and toenails! The human nervous system can shut down as a result of funnel-web spider bites, which are exceedingly poisonous and can cause death within 15 minutes.
Fortunately, fatalities haven’t been reported since 1981, when anti-venom was found. Never forget to turn around if you see one, though!
Impact on humans: Cone-web spider venom has a substance that renders it exceedingly poisonous to humans and other primates. A tingling sensation around the mouth, tongue twitching, excessive salivation, wet eyes, perspiration, and muscle spasms are the first symptoms to appear. When coupled with respiratory difficulty, hypertension and an increased heartbeat can become extremely severe and even fatal.
Size: The Sydney funnel-web ranges from 1 to 5 cm in body length (0.4 to 2 in).
Which specific areas are they found?
Native to eastern Australia, this poisonous mygalomorph spider species is often found within a 100 km (62 mi) radius of Sydney, New South Wales. But Western Australia might also be a place to find it.
What does it eat?
The Sydney funnel-web spider primarily consumes insects, while it also occasionally consumes larger animals like frogs and lizards.
Redback Spider

In 2016, redback spiders made headlines when one of them killed a young Sydney resident. A Redback spider has a noticeable red stripe on its body and is extremely deadly. It can be found all over Australia, from bushland to metropolitan homes, although it prefers to settle in calm, protected areas like mailboxes and behind toilet seats.
Although many bites are reported each year, not many of them are thought to be fatal. Anti-venom is used to treat a small percentage. Since the anti-venom was made accessible in 1950, there haven’t been any known deaths caused by an arachnid other than the instance in 2016.
Impact on humans: Redback spider (latrodectus hasselti) bites can be fatal, especially to young children, so any bite needs to be handled carefully. A redback spider injects its venom straight into the nerves, causing neurotransmitters to be released and then depleted. Pain (which can get really bad), perspiration (always including local sweating at bite site), muscle weakness, nausea, and vomiting are some of the symptoms.
Size: Male Redneck Spiders are barely 3-4 mm (0.12-0.16 in) long compared to the females’ 1 centimeter (0.39 in) body length.
Which specific areas are they found?
Redback spiders, which are thought to have originated in South Australia or the nearby Western Australian deserts, are now widespread throughout Australia, Southeast Asia, and New Zealand, with colonies in places other than Australia.
What does it eat?
Insects are their preferred meal, but if they get caught in the web, they can also entrap rather large animals including male trapdoor spiders, king crickets, and tiny lizards.
Mouse Spider

The mouse spider (missulena) typically lives in bushes, burrows, or creeps into backyards of suburban homes. The mouse spider, one of the deadliest spiders, is one of eight species that are dispersed throughout the vastness of the nation.
The females like the solitude of their burrows because they spend the majority of their time inactive. The species’ male is often seen stumbling around looking for them. Due of the heat, mouse spiders regularly saunter around during the day.
Impact on humans: This species’ bites often only have mild to moderate effects. Although their venom is similar to that of the funnel-web, their bites have not been associated with any fatalities. The venom of some mouse spiders is extremely toxic and can be just as lethal as that of the Sydney Funnel-web Spider. The mouse spider, in contrast to funnel-web spiders, is thought to utilize less venom and may even “dry bite.”
Size: Its dimensions range from 10 to 35 mm.
Which specific areas are they found?
In environments ranging from open forest to semi-arid shrubland, mouse spiders are present throughout a large portion of mainland Australia.
What does it eat?
The primary food of mouse spiders is insects, though they may also eat other spiders and small vertebrates.
Trap Door Spider

These spiders are so named because of the cunning way they deceive their prey. To draw their prey into the fictitious security of their lair, they conceal at the entrances to their burrows. The trap door spider, which is widespread throughout the nation, typically bites without any serious consequences. Males are reputed to bite more frequently than females.
These spiders can live up to 20 years, when most spiders only live for a few brief years.
Impact on humans: The trapdoor spider’s bite poses little danger to humans and is non-toxic. Although not particularly harmful, being bitten could cause some localized pain and edema.
Size: Their body is at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) long.
Which specific areas are they found?
Japan, Africa, South and North America, as well as many other warm regions, are home to trapdoor spiders.
What does it eat?
Crickets, moths, beetles, and grasshoppers are typical prey items for trap door spiders, but they can consume larger creatures like birds, bandicoots, centipedes, scorpions, parasitic wasps, and flies.
White-Tailed Spider

The characteristic white stripe on the body of white-tailed spiders gives them their name. It is a native of Southern and Eastern Australia, and it can be found in both rural and populated areas. These nocturnal animals go in quest of prey, which are actually other deadly and weaker spiders.
Although white-tailed spiders are not known to attack people very often, bites from two particular species, Lampona cylindrata and Lampona murina, have caused modest symptoms such localized soreness. There are no other known health risks.
Impact on humans: The white-tailed spider’s venom is classified as non-lethal. White-tailed spider bites typically result in a modest reaction, including itchiness and skin discoloration, which goes away within a few weeks.
Size: The legs span 28 mm, while the body can reach a maximum size of 18 mm.
Which specific areas are these spiders found?
Australia’s southern and eastern regions are home to white-tailed spiders.
What does it eat?
Other spiders are the white-tailed spider’s primary food source. It stalks the spiders while they are in their own webs since it is an active hunter. Particularly the black house spider is a favorite snack.
Black House Spider

The Black House Spider, as its name suggests, spends most of its time indoors. They can stretch their legs out to a maximum of 30 mm and are widespread throughout Australia. With a funnel-like retreat, they construct tangled webs (which frequently get quite messy and extensive) and wait for their victim to approach.
Although not particularly harmful, this spider’s bite has been reported to be painfully painful and cause local edema. Other side effects of the bite include nausea, sweating, vomiting, etc. Skin lesions have occasionally been brought on by moderate necrosis, but only after numerous bites.
Impact on humans: Despite being poisonous, blackhouse spiders are not thought to be dangerous. Black house spider poison rarely causes mortal injury or death. They are fearful, and they don’t often bite. The bite can cause local swelling and intense discomfort. On rare occasions, patients report experiencing giddiness, sweating, nausea, and vomiting.
Size: Males are smaller and only reach a maximum height of 18mm with a 30mm leg length (10mm).
Which specific areas are these spiders found?
In Australia and New Zealand, black house spiders are very common. While within buildings, they are frequently located in corners, surrounding windows and entrances, or other light sources that may attract prey, they are typically found on trees with rough bark in their native habitat.
What does it eat?
Invertebrates like flies, beetles, butterflies, bees, and ants are part of their diet.
Australian Tarantulas

The largest spiders on the Australian continent are tarantulas. They have enormous 22 cm long legs, and their fangs can reach a length of 1 cm. They also have the longest lifespan among Australian spiders; some females live to be 30 years old (the males, however, last only 8 years).
Despite having large fangs, they do not have poisonous bites. You can feel sick and vomit as a result, and you’ll be in agony. Pets are more likely to die from these spiders than people. In certain cases, tarantula bites to dogs or cats have been fatal.
Impact on humans: Humans are not killed by their bites, but it has been noted that dogs are particularly vulnerable to tarantula envenomation, and most canines die between 30 to 120 minutes. Their bites rarely result in vomiting and fever but are not lethal.
Size: They measure 6 cm in length and can have up to 16 cm-long legs.
Which specific areas are these spiders found?
North Queensland and the entire Australian continent are home to a large number of tarantulas.
What does it eat?
The tarantula is a carnivore that occasionally consumes small birds, tiny reptiles, and huge insects.
Fiddleback/Recluse Spider

The recluse spider is notorious for its venom’s ability to consume human flesh, which has drawn a lot of attention. Large portions of skin and flesh can be destroyed by their bites, and the wounds take a long time to recover. Sometimes skin grafts may even be necessary to speed up the healing process. Limbs have have to be amputated in some of the worst situations. Around the world, the recluse spider has been responsible for several fatalities.
Thankfully, the recluse spider rarely bites and is not known to be aggressive. Their inability to inject venom is a result of their tiny fangs. The majority of bites only cause minor symptoms. Another relief is the spider’s range; typically, it stays in little crevices, and there haven’t been any reported cases of this spider biting anyone in about 20 years. However, exercise caution!
Impact on humans: The bite of a brown recluse spider is frequently not felt right away. The complex venom damages the surrounding tissues and kills them (causes necrosis). The venom can harm deeper tissues in severe circumstances. Death and serious disease are uncommon. There is no cure; the wound must be attended to and infection must be avoided. It’s possible to characterize the discomfort as dull and numb. Acute local pain, diaphoresis, erythema, and piloerection at the bite site may progress within an hour of envenomation.
Size: The recluse spiders range in size from little under a quarter of an inch to half of an inch.
Which specific areas are these spiders found?
A region that includes Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, and portions of Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska is home to brown recluse spiders in addition to Australia.
What does it eat?
Recluse spiders are carnivores that prey on soft-bodied invertebrates like flies, moths, cockroaches, and crickets.
Common Garden Orb Weaver Spider

Common garden orb weave spiders, as their name suggests, are a widespread type of spider that come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and colors. When well-fed, they have enormous abdomens and a wide range of colors, from off-white to tan to nearly black. Since they are the most often bitten spider species and are highly aggressive, they are regarded as deadly spiders. They typically build webs at night between trees, on hedges, or on clotheslines where they reside in gardens. During the day, they hide and repose with their legs tucked under their bodies, dangling on a thread beneath a leaf or in the laundry on the line.
Impact on humans: The venom of orb-weaving spiders poses little danger to humans and is not poisonous. The local discomfort, numbness, and swelling brought on by the venom are typically minimal or moderate. After being bitten, nausea and vertigo might occasionally happen.
Size: The common garden orb weaver spider ranges in size from 20 to 30 mm.
Which specific areas are these spiders found?
Eastern and southern Australia’s coastlines are home to the common garden orb weaver spider.
What does it eat?
The primary diet of orb weaver spiders consists primarily of insects.
Huntsman Spiders

The Huntsman spiders, so named for their swiftness and hunting technique, are common throughout the nation. They are famous for being the hairy so-called “tarantulas” on house walls and are members of the Sparassidae family. These enormous, long-legged spiders range in color from grey to brown and may have banded legs. Despite their frightening appearance, they are actually hesitant to bite and are more inclined to flee when approached. Huntsman spiders can be helpful in the home despite their terrifying size; many Australians choose to move them to the garden rather than kill them.
Impact on humans: Their venom is not thought to be harmful to humans. The venom of Huntsman spiders can produce abnormal heartbeat, persistent pain, inflammation, headache, and vomiting.
Size: The huntsman spider can grow up to 12 inches in length, while smaller individuals typically have a 1-inch body and a 5-inch leg span.
Which specific areas are these spiders found?
Although the majority of Southeastern Australia lacks the Brown Huntsman species and Tasmania only has a small number of Huntsman species, these spiders are typically extensively scattered throughout Australia.
What does it eat?
Insects and other invertebrates make up its diet.
If You Come Across One Of These Australian Spiders, What Will You Do?
Here are some of the most dangerous eight-legged animals from Australia. These deadly Australian spiders are truly unusual. They typically reside in protected areas like garden sheds, but that doesn’t mean they can’t approach you covertly. Now that you are aware of some of the local spider species, stay well away from them (or contact a pest control company)!
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Tagged : Australian Tarantulas / Black House Spider / Common Garden Orb Weaver Spider / Dangerous Spiders In Australia / Fiddleback Spider / Huntsman Spiders / Mouse Spider / Recluse Spider / Redback Spider / Sydney Funnel-Web Spider / Trap Door Spider / Venomous Spiders In Australia / White-Tailed Spider