Myths About Sex After 50

Common Myths About Sex After 50 You Need to Stop Believing

How many of these misconceptions do you still hold? Common Myths About Sex After 50 You Need to Stop Believing.

If you believed the portrayals in the media, you would believe that sex was reserved for people in their twenties. There is nothing falseer than that. The topic of sex in midlife and later life is clouded with misunderstandings. Here are some widespread misconceptions and the truth regarding sex after 50.

Beyond a certain age, people have little interest in sex

Myths About Sex After 50 - Beyond a certain age, people have little interest in sex

There is no upper age limit for sexuality, although for those over 50, the overall quality of the relationship has a greater impact on sexual satisfaction than it does for younger couples. According to a National Council on Aging survey, 74% of men and 70% of women who regularly engage in sexual activity regard their sex lives to be more satisfying now than they did when they were in their forties.

As a man ages, he loses his ability to get an erection

Myths About Sex After 50 - As a man ages, he loses his ability to get an erection

There is no upper age limit for sexuality, although for those over 50, the overall quality of the relationship has a greater impact on sexual satisfaction than it does for younger couples. According to a National Council on Aging survey, 74% of men and 70% of women who regularly engage in sexual activity regard their sex lives to be more satisfying now than they did when they were in their forties.

Emotional and psychological factors are responsible for a woman’s lack of interest in sex at midlife and beyond

Emotional and psychological factors are responsible for a woman’s lack of interest in sex at midlife and beyond

An even greater role may be played by physical variables. A woman’s sexual response may be impacted by menopause-related hormonal changes. Vaginal dryness brought on by low estrogen levels can be uncomfortable during intercourse. Additionally, reduced testosterone levels in certain women might result in a lack of energy and a diminished sex desire. Due in part to a change in the ratio of testosterone to estrogen and progesterone, other women discover their interest in sex increases after menopause.

A woman loses her ability to have orgasms as she ages

A woman loses her ability to have orgasms as she ages

Many women find increased sexual pleasure after menopause, including more frequent or more intense orgasms.

Masturbation diminishes your ability to enjoy sex with a partner

Masturbation diminishes your ability to enjoy sex with a partner

Increasing sexual pleasure through masturbation is possible both with and without a partner. For females, it increases hormone levels, which feeds sex drive, and keeps vaginal tissues wet and elastic. It supports the maintenance of erectile function in men.

A man’s inability to get an erection is most likely the result of an emotional problem

A man’s inability to get an erection is most likely the result of an emotional problem

Actually, physical factors account for 85% of erectile dysfunction, including circulatory issues, prostate issues, and drug adverse effects.

Couples at midlife and beyond who don’t have regular sex have lost interest in sex or in each other

Couples at midlife and beyond who don’t have regular sex have lost interest in sex or in each other

Older couples that don’t often have sex typically do so because one of the partners is unwell or disabled.

It goes without saying that as you get older, sex won’t be quite the same. But not all of the changes are unfavorable. Many couples find it simpler to unwind and look forward to making love once a woman has through menopause and is no longer concerned about getting pregnant. Additionally, couples who are retired or only work part-time frequently have more time and energy for making love and engaging in other shared activities.

By midlife, you are intimately familiar with both your own body and that of your partner, and perhaps you have worked out how to express what makes you happy. You’ve undoubtedly lost all sexual inhibitions, and since you’re more confident and experienced, your sex will probably be more enjoyable for both of you. Aside from that, the desire to be intimate with someone you love may now be the driving force behind sex, making it more emotionally satisfying. Even though having sex after age 65 may be less often, many people find it to be more satisfying than ever.


Signs of a Womanizer

Why‌ ‌Men‌ ‌Lose‌ ‌Interest‌ ‌in‌ ‌Sex‌

The evolution of sexuality is a well-known fact. Nevertheless, low sex drive can be problematic for men and their relationships, regardless of how common it may be. Understanding the reasons why men lose interest in sex may provide you with the knowledge you need to help your sex life get back on track.

Common Reasons Why Men Lose Interest in Sex

It is normal to occasionally lose interest in sex. However, men may have protracted periods of reduced sexual desire due to an underlying medical problem.

Long stretches of decreased sex drive might be influenced by a variety of reasons. Men may lose interest in sex for the following reasons related to their health:



Men’s libido gradually declines as they age, which is a frequent phenomenon. Each person’s rate of deterioration may be different. But even in their 60s and 70s, the majority of men still have some level of sexual attraction.

Low testosterone levels may be associated with diminished sex drive. Men’s testosterone levels naturally decline with age due to things like an increase in comorbidities or pre-existing conditions and the aging population.

Low Testosterone

Low Testosterone

The main cause of testosterone reduction is aging. Low sex drive, melancholy, worse brain function, fatigue, and ED are some of the typical symptoms.

However, testosterone levels in men under the age of 40 might also be low. According to a recent study, young boys in the United States between the ages of 15 and 39 have 20% less testosterone than they should. According to the study’s findings, young adult men’s total testosterone levels have been dropping in recent decades, notably from 2001 to 2016, when compared to the years covered by the data analysis.

Consult your doctor for potential treatment options if you suffer low testosterone symptoms. One method for treating low testosterone levels in males is testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

Medications Side Effect

You’re on Certain Meds

Due to their negative effects, prescription medicines can also make men’s libidos decline.

For instance, drugs for high cholesterol like statins and fibrates prevent the body from producing some hormones like testosterone. Erectile dysfunction can also be brought on by statins and fibrates (ED).

These more drugs may lower testosterone levels:

  • Blood pressure medications
  • Antidepressants
  • Antipsychotics
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Corticosteroids
  • Hormones for prostate cancer treatment


Early exercises will reduce stress and depression

Six million men in America alone suffer from depression each year. It influences a person’s thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. Depression typically causes people to lose interest in activities they once found enjoyable, including sex.

Due to a variety of symptoms and the fact that men speak less and seek treatment less frequently, depression in men is more frequently misdiagnosed.

Due to a variety of symptoms and the fact that men speak less and seek treatment less frequently, depression in men is more frequently misdiagnosed.

Antidepressants can also cause low sex drive as a negative effect. The majority of antidepressants have side effects on other sexual aspects, such as erectile dysfunction and orgasmic disorders.

Alcohol Dependence

Alcohol Dependence
Patients with alcoholism frequently experience dysfunctional sexual behavior.

A study found a direct correlation between alcohol use and the emergence of sexual dysfunction. The study also found that 72% of the male alcohol-dependent participants had several sexual dysfunctions. The most typical ones include ED, early ejaculation, and decreased sexual desire.

Long-term reductions in testosterone and sex drive may also result from heavy alcohol usage.

Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse

The use of marijuana, tobacco, and illicit drugs links to a decrease in testosterone production.

According to research, male drug users were also more likely to experience ED, delayed ejaculation, and diminished sexual desire. In heroin addicts, ED and decreased sex drive were most prevalent. Meanwhile, all drug users experience delayed ejaculation frequently.

Men lose interest in sex for a variety of reasons. Age, mental health conditions, and lifestyle decisions associated with declining testosterone are some of the causes. The underlying cause of low libido may affect how it is treated. If you consistently lack sex desire, consult your doctor.

Natural Ways to Boost Your Libido and Sex Life

Surprising Reasons Your Hair Is Falling Out

Surprising Reasons Your Hair Is Falling Out

Each of us loses hair on a daily basis, and this happens to everyone. As part of this natural cycle, most people lose 50 to 100 hairs daily, with hair loss increasing on days when you wash your hair. But what if you peek in your pillow, shower drain, or comb and find that you appear to be losing a lot more than that all of a sudden? Here are just some of the surprising reasons your hair is falling out.

You’re on Certain Meds

You’re on Certain Meds

Examine the adverse effects of the medications you are taking once more; hair loss can be one of them. Blood thinners, vitamin A-rich acne treatments, anabolic steroids, and prescriptions for arthritis, depression, gout, heart issues, or high blood pressure are a few examples of such drugs.

You Just Had a Baby

You Just Had a Baby

When you’re pregnant, your hormones keep your hair from falling out as often as it normally does. That makes it seem thicker and more luscious. After you give birth, you lose the extra hair you’ve been hanging onto as your hormones shift again. Everything should balance out about 3 to 6 months later.

You Don’t Have Enough Iron

You Don’t Have Enough Iron

Your hair is healthier when you have iron. Your hair may see a drop in levels. In addition to hair loss, you may also experience other symptoms that indicate low iron levels, such as brittle nails, yellow or pale skin, shortness of breath, weakness, and a rapid heartbeat.

You’re Stressed

You’re Stressed

Large amounts of stress can occasionally cause your body’s immune system to become self-aggressive and assault your hair follicles. A lot of anxiety and concern can also stop your hair from growing, which increases the likelihood that hair will come out when you brush.

You’ve Had Weight Loss Surgery

Reasons hair falling out - You’ve Had Weight Loss Surgery

If your zinc levels are low, you’re more likely to experience this post-operative symptom, but hair loss is a typical side effect of bariatric surgery. To stop hair loss, your doctor can advise taking a zinc and copper supplement.

You Don’t Get Enough Protein

You Don’t Get Enough Protein

In order to save where it can, a body short in protein will stop the growth of hair. After two to three months, hair begins to come out. You can increase the amount of protein in your diet by including extra meat, eggs, fish, nuts, seeds, and beans in your meals.

You’re on Birth Control

Reasons hair falling out - You’re on Birth Control

If hair loss runs in your family, hormonal birth control such as vaginal rings, patches, implants, injections, and oral contraceptives may make it worse. A non-hormonal alternative that could help you keep more of your locks may be suggested by your doctor.

You’ve Gone Off Birth Control

Reasons hair falling out - You’ve Gone Off Birth Control

Starting hormonal birth control and stopping it both have the potential to cause hair loss. After stopping for several weeks or months, you’ll likely notice a change.

You’re Hard on Your Hair

You’re Hard on Your Hair

When your hair begins to break or fall out, your styling routine may be to fault. Using excessive shampoo, combing or brushing your hair while it’s wet, wiping your hair dry with a towel, or brushing your hair too vigorously or frequently can all cause your strands to become strained and break. Too-tight braids and weaves that weigh down the hair are two major causes of breaking.

You Use Heat and Science on It

You Use Heat and Science on It

Use of flat irons, curling irons, and blow dryers on a regular basis dries out your hair and makes it simpler for them to break and fall out. The same thing can be achieved with hair sprays, relaxers, colour, and bleach.

You Have Another Condition

You Have Another Condition

More than 30 conditions, including autoimmune diseases, thyroid disorders, ringworm on the scalp, and polycystic ovarian syndrome, all show symptoms of hair loss. Infections, high fevers, and the flu can all cause hair loss.

You Smoke

You Smoke

The harm that smoking can do to your hair does not go unnoticed. Cigarette smoke contains toxins that can damage your hair follicles and prevent hair from developing and remaining on your head.

You’re Going Through Menopause

Reasons hair falling out - You’re Going Through Menopause

Its changing hormones may cause shedding to increase. After around six months, it ought go disappear. However, consult your doctor if you observe a widening of your portion or hair loss at the top and crown of your head. It’s possible that you have female pattern hair loss, which is treatable.

You Pull It Out

Reasons hair falling out - You Pull It Out

Trichotillomania, often known as hair-pulling disorder, is a mental illness that causes you want to pull your hair out of your head. Even when you start to develop bald spots, it might be challenging to stop. You can also wish to rip off your eyebrows or eyelashes when you have it.

You Have an Eating Disorder

Reasons hair falling out - You Have an Eating Disorder

Because your body isn’t receiving the nutrients it needs to grow and maintain healthy hair, both bulimia and anorexia (not eating enough) can cause your hair to fall out. These are mental health issues. They require care from a group of medical experts, dietitians, and specialists in mental health.

The best course of action is to consult a dermatologist or physician. They’ll determine the cause of surprising reasons your hair is falling out and make sure you receive the proper care if a medical problem is to blame.

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Things You Should Never Do in Public Restroom

Things You Should Never Do in Public Restroom

Public restrooms aren’t particularly challenging. Etiquette, however, quickly becomes crucial in a bathroom. Nobody wants to feel awkward, especially when they’re, er, taking care of business. There is no faster method to create an enemy for life. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t seem to be aware of the fundamental guidelines for using a public restroom. That may lead to some horrifyingly selfish actions. Don’t belong to that group. Here are the basic unwritten guidelines that everyone abides by when using public restrooms; learn them by heart to avoid making a social faux pas.

Skip washing your hands

Public restroom are filthy, possibly as a result of all the poop and pee. You might believe that you didn’t touch anything unpleasant, but you most likely did.

Fake-wash your hands

You were probably that kid who ran his toothbrush under the faucet, weren’t you? Mom’s not here to check your breath, but come on, you’re going to touch other people with those hands eventually. You’re a grown-up now, presumably.

Text at the urinal

We get it! You’re “totally addicted to your phone!” You’re a big important person who can’t spend 30 seconds disconnected or the entire global economy will collapse! When people have their junk out, it’s not appropriate to be handling a device that has a camera.

Use the urinal or stall right next to someone when others are available/clean

You probably recline fully and manspread on every flight, don’t you?

Choose the hand dryer over paper towels

Using a hand dryer after washing your hands is an excellent way to fling poop particles everywhere. It also does a terrible job of drying your hands. A recent study shows that using a regular hand dryer can catapult 60 times the amount of germs than using paper towels does, and don’t even think about those fancy-ass jet dryers — they blast 1,300 times the amount of germs.

Flush with your foot

Touching the handle of a toilet is vile, and you don’t want those germs on your hands. Is flushing with your foot any better? Not really. You’re going to wash your hands anyway after using the restroom (RIGHT?!) and using your foot means that you’re basically putting germs on the bottom of your feet, which you might eventually track home to your own floors. You’ll also leave all the germs you tracked in there on the handle for the next person, who’s probably a fake hand-washer.

Go into a single bathroom or stall as a group

It may seem like doubling or tripling up in a crowded bar is the considerate thing to do, but multiple inebriated people in a small space slows the line down even more.


Sitting on a toilet seat with your bare behind, especially a public toilet seat, is gross, right? While it may seem more sanitary to hover over the seat or cover it with toilet paper, you don’t have to. The average toilet seat is cleaner than things like cutting boards or dish sponges, and you’re more likely to make a mess if you hover.

Fail to flush

You know that feeling when you open a stall door and see something sitting there that you will never be able to unsee? Don’t cause that for someone else.

Camp out in a stall

We know there are so many fascinating Trump thinkpieces out there to read and so little time, but it’s no excuse for forcing discomfort upon your fellow bathroom patrons. Do what you came to do, and move on.

Linger when someone is camping

If you stand right in front of a camper’s stall, that person’s entitled to camp. On principle.

Talk to anyone you don’t know

Fine, if you suspect you might be having a heart attack you are allowed to politely request assistance. But do it briefly — you’re having a heart attack!

Flood the counter around the sink

How does this even happen? Are you washing your clothes in public bathrooms?

Talk on the phone

Hearing other people’s poop noises is somehow actually less awkward than hearing their bathroom phone conversations. Whatever it is, it can wait.


Don’t do heroin anywhere. But please, especially not in public restrooms.


Worst Time of Day to Have Sex

How to get rid of dark neck

How to get rid of dark neck: 5 effective home remedies

Our neck skin receives about the same amount of exposure as our facial skin. The black skin on your neck (dark neck) can be lightened using the home remedies shown below.

For a glowing appearance, we typically use a ton of remedies like facials, exfoliation, and massages, but we frequently neglect to take proper care of the neck. As a result, our neck’s skin is notably darker than the skin around it. Our neck skin receives about the same amount of exposure as our facial skin. Hyperpigmentation is the term for this kind of localized skin darkening. The skin around the neck may also darken due to the hormonal disorder Acanthosis Nigricans. A doctor’s diagnosis is necessary for these illnesses.

However, if the diagnosis reveals that the pigmentation isn’t brought on by hormonal factors but rather by exposure to the sun and poor cleanliness, you can apply the home remedies listed below to lighten the dark skin on your neck.

Aloe vera gel for dark neck

Aloe vera gel for dark neck

Antioxidant-rich aloe vera lightens the skin by preventing the activity of the enzyme that causes skin pigmentation. Even the skin is kept nourished and hydrated by it.

How to use: Cut open a fresh aloe vera leaf, take some aloe vera gel, and apply it to your neck. Give it a light massage, let it sit for 20 minutes, and then give it a cold water rinse. You can frequently use this treatment.

Apple cider vinegar for dark neck

Apple cider vinegar for dark neck

The pH of the skin is generally balanced by apple cider vinegar. Malic acid helps to exfoliate dead skin cells and provides your skin a healthy glow.

How to use: Mix together four teaspoons of water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. After that, add the solution to a cotton ball and wrap it around your neck. After ten minutes, remove it with water and rinse it. You can carry out this action daily for the finest outcomes.

Baking soda for dark neck

Baking soda for dark neck

Baking soda might be a miracle item if you want to get rid of dead skin cells. Cleaning with baking soda is a great way to nurture your skin from the inside out.

How to use: To create a smooth paste, combine two to three tablespoons of baking soda with water. It should be applied and left on the affected area for a short while. After it dries, scrape it off with moist fingers and then rinse with water. This can be done daily to get the desired outcomes. Remember to hydrate your skin after applying baking soda.

Potato juice for dark neck

Potato juice for dark neck

The bleaching qualities of potatoes significantly lighten and level out the tone of your skin. Tomatoes can be used to cure acne and dark spots.

How to use: One small potato must first be grated before the juice is extracted. Apply this liquid with a cotton ball to the troubled areas. After letting it totally dry, rinse it with water.

Ubtan for dark neck

Ubtan for dark neck

The skin tone is typically brightened and lightened using a classic ubtan. Ubtan makes your neck skin sparkle and aids in the reduction of pigmentation. The flour included in the combination helps to constrict pores, absorb pollutants, and exfoliate the skin.

How to use: Add two tablespoons of besan (gram flour), a half teaspoon of lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric, and some rose water to a bowl (or milk). To create a paste with a medium consistency, combine them all. Apply the mixture to your neck, let it sit for approximately fifteen minutes, and then thoroughly rinse. This treatment can be used twice a week.

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Why Morning Exercises are Crucially Important for Your Health

10 Reasons Why Morning Exercises are Crucially Important for Your Health

Morning exercises are crucially important for your health. It makes little difference whether you enjoy getting up early or not when your health is in peril. Exercise in the morning should be a habit if one wants to avoid health issues in both young and old life.

It is a difficult regimen, made more difficult by the fact that we must act right away after waking up. But after we board the vehicle and fire up the engines as soon as we wake up, we will begin to realize how they are positively impacting our lives. Here is a list of reasons (and their associated repercussions) why you should start working out as soon as you wake up the following morning.

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Your metabolism will work faster

Morning Exercises Crucially Important | Your metabolism will work faster

As soon as you begin your morning workouts, you’ll notice something remarkable about your body: your metabolism. Everyone has a distinct metabolism; some people need to speed up their metabolism, while others have naturally slow metabolisms. There is really no better approach to improve your energy than to get up early and exercise till you feel ready to start the day.

Early exercises will reduce stress and depression

Morning Exercises Crucially Important | Early exercises will reduce stress and depression

Exercise causes the body to release endorphins, which increase happiness, according to scientific research. By beginning their workouts in the morning, people who are frequently worried or even depressed will noticeably lessen their “bad” states. They must get moving as soon as they awaken in order to be upbeat and comfortable throughout the remainder of the day.

You will gain this feeling of accomplishment when you finish your exercise

Morning Exercises Crucially Important | You will gain this feeling of accomplishment when you finish your exercise

There are some days when nothing seems to go as planned and your efforts do not feel particularly successful. But if you start working out in the morning, none of this will matter because completing a morning workout successfully is a victory in and of itself. Your subconscious will believe that you accomplished something wonderful, and the remainder of the day will be better for you.

This habit may attract other healthy habits

Morning Exercises Crucially Important | This habit may attract other healthy habits

People claim that developing a habit requires doing something consistently for a month. Healthy diet and exercise are both essential components of living a healthy lifestyle. As a result, if exercising becomes a habit, you’ll start to feel so great that you’ll start considering other healthy behaviors, like choosing the correct foods to maintain your health.

Exercising in the morning burns more fat

Exercising in the morning burns more fat

According to some research, exercising in the morning before breakfast increases your chances of losing up to 20% more fat than usual. This is significant because you will get the desired outcomes much quicker if you are working toward looking beautiful and being in good shape. The outcome would not be the same if you choose to work out in the evening. So Morning exercises are crucially important for your health.

Your energy levels in the morning will be much higher

Your energy levels in the morning will be much higher

Human bodies are designed to be far more energetic when we first get up, and our tendency to feel sleepy and exhausted after waking up is simply a result of the bad lifestyles we lead. As a result, you will begin to feel energy pulsing through your body once you start exercising and make this a practice. This can only mean one thing: you will have more energy to devote to the exercise itself, making it harder and more effective.

The natural glow of your skin will appear

The natural glow of your skin will appear

It has been demonstrated through science that regular exercise has beneficial impacts on both your skin and metabolism. Compared to individuals who don’t exercise at all or only exercise in the evening, morning exercisers are more likely to have a natural skin glow, appear healthier, and be more attractive.

You will be more concentrated after the workout

You will be more concentrated after the workout

Exercise in the morning is the best approach to maintain 100 percent concentration throughout the entire day since it functions somewhat similarly to a cup of coffee that lasts more than 10 hours. This occurs as a result of the physical preparation we do to prepare for the day’s work by waking up our body. No matter what kind of job you have, your performance at work will significantly increase if you start exercising frequently in the morning.

It’s less likely to be interrupted

It’s less likely to be interrupted

Sincerely, what are the chances that as you get ready to work out in the morning, you’ll get a call or be interrupted by someone? I’d say it’s pretty minimal. On the other side, if you choose to work out in the afternoon, there is a great chance that someone or something will get in the way, such as a work-related emergency, a visit from your parents, or a sudden demand for attention from your significant other.

Improve your sleep by exercising regularly

Improve your sleep by exercising regularly

Sleep is a vital component of your health, and regular exercise can undoubtedly enhance it. To educate your body to follow a specific pattern of sleeping on time and waking up on time for exercise, you must start sleeping for the same number of hours every night. Additionally, you’ll start waking up on your own and with plenty of energy once you realize that the morning is the best time of the day.

In conclusion, starting an exercise routine in the morning can be challenging, but it takes commitment and at least a month of consistent exercise before you genuinely look forward to it and see results. The outcomes, though, will be more than wonderful once you get used to it. All of the aforementioned examples will come true, you’ll feel better overall, and you’ll be ready to go out and enjoy the day. That’s why Morning exercises are crucially important for your health.

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